How Tina appraised her team



Who is Tina?

Tina is Head of Paraplanning at a medium size financial advisory firm. She leads a team of three paraplanners and is preparing for their annual appraisal.

In the past she’s found it challenging to articulate feedback around the behavioural expectations of the team and finds that team members find it equally difficult to describe the positive behaviours they have demonstrated over the past year. 

How did Tina use the Professional Map?

The Professional Map provides a common language around the behaviours and technical expertise expected across different experience levels, so it seems like a useful tool to support the appraisal process.

Not only that, but it also provides a benchmark against which to assess performance on those aspects that are harder to quantify such as behaviours and values.

Two team members take the self-assessment for Paraplanning at band 2, but the third team member doesn’t neatly fall within one band, as they have responsibilities that span across multiple bands, so Tina creates a bespoke form to assess this person.

Tina also completes the assessments using the same tools her reports use, to identify where there might be differences between her assessment and the self-assessment of the team member, and uses the results to inform a meaningful discussion around these differences and identify development areas.

By referring to the language used in the Professional Map, Tina is better able to explain how the right behaviours tie back to the successful execution of goals and team members can better recognise their strengths and development areas.

Explore the Map

Explore the technical expertise and behaviours at the core of what it means to be a well-rounded professional.

Self-assess your skills

Identify your learning needs and plan your development for career success.

Find learning

Find the learning you need to meet your development goals and career ambitions.


Everything you need to know about the Professional Map and how it applies to you.