How Sophie expanded her career 



Who is Sophie?

Sophie is an Operations Assistant, working for a large Personal Lines provider, where she started fresh from university 18 months ago. 

She enjoys her job and the company she works for, but is interested in seeing where she could take her career – what development opportunities might best suit her skillset and how she could expand her horizons. 


How did Sophie use the Professional Map?

Sophie has found a mentor in the underwriting department who thinks she might flourish as a property underwriter. They both sit down and use the self-assessment tool, looking at a Band 1 underwriter’s competencies, and then discuss her strengths and weaknesses.

Sophie is not surprised to see that she is relatively weak in the technical competencies, but really encouraged by her behavioural strengths and particularly some of the Customer Focus and Drive to Deliver competencies she has developed in her current role. 

Her mentor tells her that both technical knowledge and behaviours are equally important, and he can coach her through the Certificate in Insurance and find relevant member CPD free to her as a member to get a taste for what she might get into as an underwriter.

Where to next?

Explore the Map

Explore the technical expertise and behaviours at the core of what it means to be a well-rounded professional.

Self-assess your skills

Identify your learning needs and plan your development for career success.

Find learning

Find the learning you need to meet your development goals and career ambitions.


Everything you need to know about the Professional Map and how it applies to you.