How Jake professionalised his firm's HR practice



Who is Jake?

Jake is the Head of HR and Talent for a fast-growing insurance broking group. 

They have acquired a number of smaller firms in recent years, and he has inherited a wide array of incompatible competency frameworks, job families and recruitment processes. 

How did Jake use the Professional Map?

Jake needs to harmonise performance review processes, recruitment forms and personal development plans under one single framework and is using the Professional Map as a benchmark to inform this process, with confidence he is using a market-led standard. 

Looking through the best of the competency frameworks that he has across the businesses they’ve acquired, he realises that there is a lot of commonalities between them and the Professional Map in terms of the structure in four bands - which he can use to map job roles against – as well as the on technical aspects covered, but feels it needs a little adaptation to really reflect their business.

The area where he is most excited about is in adopting the behavioural competencies covering broader skills and abilities which is a key pillar of their people strategy and essential part of any development programme, as well as seeing it as a opportunity to align to the group’s values. 

Where to next?

Explore the Map

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Everything you need to know about the Professional Map and how it applies to you.